
The Junior League of London is a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated and registered in England under company number 05045667.

It’s governed by its articles of association and detailed regulations made under the articles.

The Junior League of London is registered with the Charity Commission under number 1103298.

Governing Documents


The Junior League of London’s Trustees are responsible for its governance and strategic direction. Their responsibilities include:

  • Making sure the Junior League of London is delivering its charitable aims.
  • Mitigating risk by ensuring the Junior League of London is effectively and properly run in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
  • Defining the organisation’s long-term direction.
  • Managing the Charity’s resources responsibly by setting the budget.

Susanna Teixidor


[email protected]

Liz Skibo

Finance Director

[email protected]

Lydia Flock

Nominating Director

[email protected]

Margaret Karnaze

Non-Executive Director

Alyson Tart

Non-Executive Director

Kimberly Burton

Communications Vice-President

[email protected]

Gillian Bentley-Richardson

Community Vice-President

[email protected]

Melanie Davis

Fund Development Vice-President

[email protected]

Kelaine Blades

Membership Vice-President

[email protected]